New Article Looks at NBA Players Having WWE Counterparts

John CenaThanks to Antonio Alcantar and several other readers for sending in the following:

A new article published over at, written by The Masked Man, has taken a fun look at which NBA figures and players have WWE counterparts as we head into the NBA playoffs. The following is an excerpt from the article:

LeBron James Is John Cena

Hey, basketball fans: You know that illicit charge you feel during every James fourth-quarter meltdown? And how when you see a kid in a no. 6 Heat jersey, you just shake your head and wonder what kind of parents would allow him to root for that idiot? And you know how, no matter how much you hate James, deep down you're glad that he's there, just to have somebody to boo? Welcome to pro wrestling fans' relationship with our flag-bearer, the face of WWE, John Cena.

Dwight Howard Is Mark Henry

I know, I know. You're going to say I'm saddling Dwight with Henry's mediocre career. But that's the point — especially with Dwight's recent "back issues," coach-killing, and flip-flopping about his future in Orlando, the first word that comes to mind with either of them has to be "disappointment," right?

Kobe Bryant Is "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair

Above all else, both Kobe and Flair are the most despised stars of their generation. (And as much as people love Flair now, I'm sure we'll all be hypnotized by history into loving Kobe about a decade after he retires.) They're both old-timers who keep plugging away at a relatively high level with incredible longevity, seemingly at odds with Father Time.

You can read many more comparisons by clicking on the above link.