Fan To Watch “30 Days of Netflix,” Seeking Film Suggestions

The following has been sent to WZ for reader suggestions:

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Previously Mark lived in an Ikea for a week – (Excerpt from Blog)Currently doing a video project where I’m seeing how many movies I can watch on Netflix streaming in a month. So far in 25 days I’ve watched over 200 titles!

Tomorrow Day 26 is Netflix wrestling day. Starting from 10am until 3am EST I’ll be watching Netflix wrestling streaming titles such as WWE Rivalries Michaels vs. Hart, Beyond the Mat, Born to Controversy: The Roddy Piper Story, and Wrestling with Shadows.

I’d love suggestions from wrestling fans on what I should watch tomorrow. You can give me your suggestions on Twitter and Facebook.

When I was a kid I’d go to WWE house shows all the time at the Hersheypark Arena in Hershey, PA. I got to see all the top stars including Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and “Macho Man” Randy Savage.


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