Impact Wrestling Results (5/17) – Hulk Announces Bobby Roode Will Defend Title Next Week, Four Open Fight Night Qualifying Matches, Knockouts Title Triple Threat

Open Fight Night Qualifier
Bully Ray vs Rob Van Dam

Bully Ray applies a wristlock then attacks RVD's injured left arm, and he backs up and runs at him but RVD catches him with a heel kick. He hits Rolling Thunder for a near fall then Bully Ray sweeps his injured leg, then he twists his knee and taunts RVD while he crawls over to the ropes. Bully goes for a big splash but RVD rolls away, then he hits a few clotheslines and a stiff kick before going up top. Bully dodges a back heel kick and RVD lands on his injured leg, then Bully Ray lifts him up and hits a diving cutter for the win.

Winner – Bully Ray

A cameraman catches up to Bully Ray in the back and asks him about his win, but he makes fun of the Kardashians and says they are against bullying now. Joseph Park walks up to him and Bully wraps his chain around his fist and says he told him not to bother him so this better be good. Joseph says he deals with cheaters all the time, and he was just getting involved at Sacrifice because he wanted to stop Bully from cheating. He says Abyss told him he was getting too close to the fire, and he thinks the fire is him, but Bully gives him a warning to stay away from him before walking away.

Gail is talking to Madison backstage about how unfair it is that she has a match with Brooke and Velvet Sky when she already beat them. She asks Madison if she is paying attention and asks if it is about the guy she is seeing, but Madison says no and tells her she has to go fix her hair. Gail says she is going to find Hulk Hogan, but Brooke and Velvet walk up to her and say it's unfair that Gail has to cheat to win and she should have more confidence. They say Gail might have cheated to beat them both before, but one of them will beat her for the title tonight, and that is fair.


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