Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 6-4

John CenaJohn Cena def. Tensai

What I Liked:

The match was decent, and was able to show the strengths of Tensai. He is a good wrestler, but nothing special in my mind. I really felt the match was a lot better than last month's fight.

What I Disliked:

It is meaningful that Tensai loses on Raw for the first time. That basically stops his momentum completely, as well as able to give Cena a victory over a larger opponent similar to Big Show. You put Tensai on Superstars for a few weeks and then you bring him back to the main event? Are you serious, where the hell is the logical booking in this? There is none and shows how weak they are on heels on Raw.  Instead of booking a legit competitor, someone with a future like Ziggler, they rely on the obvious choice, one that is not currently connecting with the crowd on any level.

Grade: C

John Cena def. Michael Cole

What I Liked:

For the most part, I thought this was comical. I like how they embarrassed someone like Cole, who desperately needs to relax on his heel gimmick as an announcer. This was a light hearted ending, one that needed to happen. There was no Big Show, which helped Cena have "his night" this week.

What I Disliked:

Again, another ending of Raw with little meaning. This was an average Raw that did not feature Miz, Santino, or any of the mid card champions. I really thought that they wasted 5 minutes too much at the end here. Why not give that time to a guy like Rhodes or Christian to further their angle? They put way too much time into this segment and for what? Where is the big picture? I feel like there was not one, and this was a throw away Raw. What did we get out of this? Nothing whatsoever.

Grade: C-

Raw Grade: B-

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