TNA Impact Wrestling Results 6/21/12

Mr. Anderson is in the ring, and is the first challenger for tonight's episode of Open Fight Night. He calls out Christopher Daniels, who complains on his way to the ring and refuses to put down his drink. 

Mr. Anderson vs. Christopher Daniels

Mr AndersonAnderson starts the match off quickly by taking out Daniels as he enters the ring. The two trade off blows in the middle of the ring, until Anderson hits a big Samoan Drop. Daniels manages to fight back temporarily, but Anderson countered with a spinning neckbreaker and the Mic Check for a quick victory. Taz puts over that Mr. Anderson has picked up 3 points in the Bound for Glory Series. 

Winner: Mr. Anderson

Dixie Carter and AJ Styles are seen backstage talking together. Dixie asks AJ if he's ready, saying there's "no other way". Styles seems unsure, saying he's "not sure if it's the right thing to do". 

The Knockouts are shown backstage in their dressing room. Mike Tenay questions who will challenge Brooke Tessmacher during Open Fight Night, as we go to commerical. 



The Knockouts are seen, once again, backstage talking with Brooke Hogan. It seems hostile in the locker room. Brooke asks ODB why she wants to win the Knockout's Championship, and she responds by saying that she's "different", and Madison Rayne says she wants it because she's already had it before. Mickie James stands up and says "no offense, but I am the greatest female professional wrestler in the world". 

Brooke Hogan says they need to make their job their boyfriend and stop screwing around. She says that Madison isn't ready for tonight, and apparently we're getting the same Hogan elimination-style thing that Hulk has been doing during Open Fight Nights. Brooke says she has one more elimination to make tonight and tells ODB she can just sit in the locker room and keep drinking. 


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