Impact Wrestling Results (6/28) – Aries Announces X Division Tournament, Tag Team Title Defense In Main Event

TNA Tag Team Championship

AJ Styles & Kurt Angle vs Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

AJ runs at Kaz and hits him a few times, then Kaz tries to ground him but Kurt knocks him out of the ring then AJ attacks Daniels on the floor. Daniels and Kaz argue as we go to a break, then we get back and Daniels has AJ in a headlock and he whips him into the ropes. AJ counters and Kurt tags in, then he hits a few clotheslines and follows with a few German suplexes. Kaz comes back with some offense and goes for Fade To Black, but Kurt counters and goes for an ankle lock. We get a few quick finisher attempts before AJ counters a roll up attempt by Daniels, then he clotheslines Kaz and Daniels drops him with a powerbomb.

Daniels knocks Kurt into the ref and they spill outside, then Daniels goes for a chair but Kaz takes it away. AJ knocks Daniels down with a kick, then Kaz flips Daniels off and tells AJ to finish it. AJ calls for a Styles Clash, but Kaz hits him from behind with the chair and Daniels makes the cover. Kaz hands Daniels the title and they celebrate while Dixie Carter looks shocked, then Daniels says today is a great day and Dixie should be smiling. Daniels says Claire told the truth, but not the whole truth, and he announces AJ as the father of her baby as Impact comes to a close.

Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions – Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

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