WWE Live Event Results (6/29): Monroe, Louisiana

ChristianIntercontinental Title Match: Christian def. Cody Rhodes

Cody came down to the ring first with some mixed boos and cheers. Christian came out next with a mild pop. Was alot of back and forth action with Cody controlling for the middle part of the match. Cody attempted a big moonsault from the top rope but Christian was able to get out of the way which lead to an a ttempted Killswitch and eventually into 2 spear attempts with the second one connecting and allowing Christian to pick up the win.

Announced MITB (money in the bank) special match: Kane def. Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho came out with his light up jacket and made his way to the ring without really doing anything heelish, didn't really interact with the crowd much till he got in the ring. Kane next came out to a huge pop (you would have thought he just saved Cena's puppy from getting eaten by the Big Show or something). I'm not sure if it was in the plans for Kane to be the face in the match and Jericho to be the heel but with the giant face pop Kane got at the beginning and Jericho being smart enough to realize people would be into the match more with a defined face/heel, he grabbed the mic and yelled at a few people that were chanting "Jericho sucks" and said something else about Louisiana which made everyone really boo him. Overall, it was a decent match with both wrestlers getting in a few signature moves with Jericho getting away from a few choke slams and a tombstone attempt while getting Kane in the Walls of Jericho once. Eventually, Kane finally caught Jericho with a chokeslam to pick up the victory. Not really sure what the match had to do with MITB other than both wrestlers are going to be in the match at the upcoming PPV.

World Title match: Sheamus def. Alberto Del Rio

Ricardo and ADR did their usual spiel in coming out other than ADR kept teasing the crowd with throwing them his shirt which there were alot of kids ringside so they fell for it and boo'ed him when he ended up throwing it to Ricardo instead. Shaemus came out to one of the biggest pops of the night and the crowd was really into this match. Shaemus took control early and was able to hit a few power moves before ADR came back and started working on Shaemus' arm. ADR kept Shaemus down on the mat for awhile and then kept working his arm till Shaemus was able to break free a few times and fight back. It was back and forth for awhile till Ricardo tried to interfere a few times and then Shaemus went on the offense and was able to hit White Noise on ADR. Del Rio was able to recover and then beat Shaemus down again and whipped Shaemus into a corner where the ref decided to get distracted by ADR while Ricardo tried to attack Shaemus in the corner while the ref's back was turned. ADR was able to get away from the ref and charged into the corner to do a heel kick on Shaemus but he was able to duck out of the way and ADR connected with Ricardo instead. Almost as soon as he connected with Ricardo and got back on his feet to turn around Shaemus had got enough distance in the distraction to rev up and deliver a brutal Brogue Kick to ADR to pick up the win.


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