Impact Wrestling Results (7/5) – X Division Tournament Bracket Finalized, Hardy/Storm, Aries Relinquishes X Division Title

X Division Qualifier
Dakota Darsow vs Flip Cassanova

Both guys trade punches before Dakota knocks him down, then he runs the ropes but Flip brings him down with a drop toe hold and some kicks. Flip hits a springboard crossbody and a standing backflip legdrop, then Dakota comes back with some punches. Flip hits a dropkick and a handspring headscissors takedown, then Dakota bails outside but Flip kicks him and hits a corkscrew moonsault. He goes up top but Dakota rolls through a crossbody block, then he hits a few legdrops and gets a near fall before heading up top. Flip rolls away from a moonsault and ends up on the apron, then he connects with a reverse bulldog and follows it with shooting star senton for the win.

Winner – Flip Cassanova

Gail Kim & Madison Rayne vs Brooke Tessmacher & Tara

Madison whips Brooke into the guardrail and brings her in for a pin attempt, then she puts her in an armbar and tags Gail in. Gail hits a flying clothesline then Brooke fights back with some strikes, but Gail knees her in the stomach and sends her into the turnbuckles. Brooke avoids a springboard crossbody, then they both tag out and Tara hits a few clotheslines. Tara hits a suplex and a tilt-a-whirl side slam for two, then she sets up a Widow's Peak but Gail tries to break it up. Tara kicks her in the stomach to prevent the interference, then she whips Madison into her, and Gail gets thrown out of the ring. Tara hits a Widow's Peak, then Brooke tags in and hits a Tess-Shocker for the win. 

Winners – Brooke Tessmacher & Tara


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