WWE Smackdown 7/13 Results – Zack Ryder as GM, Big Tag Team Match, Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho & More!

Daren Young vs. Primo

A.W. stands at ringside with his live headset coming over the sound system throughout the entirity of the match. Young starts the match out with Primo, but loses the advantage quickly. A.W. is quickly becoming annoying, making noises and yelling every time one of his men takes a shot. 

Daren Young gets the advantage, hitting leg drops in the middle of the ring as A.W. says "millions of dollars" after every one. Young goes for the pin, but only gets two. Primo comes back with chops and elbows to the head, as A.W. tells him to "get his hands up". Young counters a springboard crossbody by rolling through and dead-lifting Primo (ala John Cena), but ends up getting rolled up for the three count. 

Winner: Primo

-They show another Raw 1,000 clip, this time featuring Edge's retirement announcement following his Championship victory at WrestleMania 27.

-Zack Ryder is backstage with World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus, and says he can't allow Sheamus and Alberto del Rio to "mix it up tonight" because he's got a show to run. Chris Jericho walks in (in his Light Bright jacket) and says he can smell the fake taner coming off Ryder. Sheamus challenges Jericho to a match for later tonight, and Ryder books it despite Jericho's apprehension. 


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