WWE “Money In The Bank” PPV Results – July 15, 2012

Christian hits Tensai with another ladder, finally knocking Tensai off the ladder. Santino and Christian are in the ring alone now. Santino knocks Christian out of the ring. Ziggler comes in but Santino beats him down as well. Santino pulls out the Cobra. Santino nails Ziggler with the Cobra and sets up a bigger ladder in the middle of the ring. Santino stops half way up his climb. He seems afraid of heights. Santino’s Cobra-hand brushes against the briefcase a few times. Sandow comes up the other side. Santino knocks him down with the Cobra. Rhodes hits a dropkick from the mat that finally knocks Santino off. Rhodes throws a ladder into Santino and then lays it across the ropes. He grabs another ladder and sets it up in the middle of the ring. Rhodes climbs but out of nowhere Vickie Guerrero climbs up and stops him. Rhodes is knocked off by Ziggler and now Ziggler begins to climb. Christian climbs the opposite side. Kidd does an amazing spot, leaping off one ladder to powerbomb Ziggler off the main ladder in the process. A “holy shit” chant breaks out as some replays are shown. That was the coolest spot of the match. Tensai clears off the announce table on the floor. He lays a ladder across the table and the ring apron. Sin Cara tries flying onto him but Tensai catches him and powerbombs him onto the bridge-ladder setup I just described. Ouch. Tensai throws Ziggler over the announce table. Rhodes hits a big kick onto Tensai and runs back in the ring. Rhodes and Kidd are in the ring alone now each climbing up opposing sides of the ladder. Christian and Santino filter in now. Rhodes knocks Kidd off. Christian spears Rhodes off the top of the ladder. The crowd popped big for that. Christian comes very close to pulling down the briefcase but Ziggler very quickly runs up to stop him. Ziggler finally pulls down the briefcase. Ziggler wins.

Winner and Smackdown Money In The Bank Briefcase Holder: Dolph Ziggler

Backstage: Josh Matthews Interviews Sheamus

Backstage, Josh Matthews interviews Sheamus. Matthews tells him Ziggler just won. Sheamus isn’t interested in his future, he wants to talk about defending against Alberto Del Rio tonight. He brings up Del Rio attacking him with the car. Sheamus says he’s a car guy himself. He says he doesn’t need fancy cars. He’s got the only ornament he needs, as he points to his title. He continues a long, boring comparison to “clunker-cars” and the damage he’s going to inflict on Del Rio tonight.


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