WWE “Money In The Bank” PPV Results – July 15, 2012

WWE Title: CM Punk (c) vs. Daniel Bryan [Special Ref: A.J.]

After the usual video package, special referee A.J. comes out looking yummy in her referee-gear. Next out of Daniel Bryan in a jacket, running down the aisle doing his “Yes!” chant. Bryan walks over and kisses A.J.’s hand. A loud “CM Punk” chant breaks out. Punk’s music hits and out comes the WWE Champion. The crowd pops big for Punk. Michael Cole says Punk has been champion for 238 days. He passes HBK’s last reign, becoming the 17th longest reigning WWE Champion. Remember that this match was made a No Disqualification match earlier tonight. A.J. holds up the WWE Title and the match is officially underway. Punk leg-sweeps Bryan early on. They battle out to the floor and Punk chops Bryan several times. Bryan reverses Punk and whips Punk into the barricade. Bryan chops Punk a few times, screaming “Yes!” with each one. Bryan rolls Punk back into the ring and goes to work on the arm of Punk. Bryan is in control of the offense now, beating up Punk all-the-while screeching “Yes!”. So far, A.J. hasn’t been involved in the match. Both guys exchange chops. Then each guy exchanges a series of kicks. Punk finally wins out, knocking Bryan down with a big kick. Punk stops and stares at A.J. for a moment. Punk hits Bryan with a backbreaker and goes to the middle rope. He comes off but Bryan moves. Bryan kicks Punk in the back a few times. Punk knocks Bryan to the floor and then comes flying through the middle ropes, hitting a big dive onto Bryan on the outside. The two brawl to the back. Bryan goes for a sulpex on the aisle-way but Punk reverses and slams Bryan chest-first into the barricade. They finally fight back to the ring. Bryan knocks Punk into A.J. and A.J. falls to the floor. Punk goes out to check on her. While checking on her, Bryan comes off the apron with a double-axehandler onto Punk. Bryan throws Punk into the ringside steps and then checks on A.J. as well. Some extra ref’s take A.J. to the back. Back to the action, Bryan launches himself off the apron and nails Punk with a big knee. Bryan slams Punk onto the ringside steps as a loud “CM Punk” chant breaks out. Moments later, Punk clotheslines Bryan off the barricade. A “we-want-tables” chant breaks out. Punk obliges, pulling a table out from under the ring. Bryan attacks Punk from behind before he can set it up. Bryan pulls a kendo stick out from under the ring. Bryan swings it twice, but misses both times. Punk rolls back into the ring. Bryan swings from the outside with the stick but misses again. Bryan gets in the ring but Punk takes the stick from him. Before Punk can use it, Bryan kicks him and Punk drops it. The stick is just laying there now and Bryan and Punk exchange blows. Bryan finally gets the stick and nails Punk with it for a nearfall. Bryan beats up Punk some more with the stick before finally setting it down. Bryan beats up on Punk in the corner. Bryan kicks away at Punk, yelling “Yes!” as the crowd repeats “No!” with each shot. Bryan goes to the top but misses a flying heatbutt attempt. The crowd gets behind Punk, encourging him to fight back with a “CM Punk” chant. Each guy exchanges kicks to the mid-section. Now punches. Punk wins out. Punk lays Bryan out with a flying kick and a swinging neckbreaker for a nearfall. Punk calls for the GTS. He goes for it but Bryan reverses with a headscissors into a pin attempt. He only gets two. Bryan nails Punk with a kick and now both guys are down. Bryan again assaults Punk with the kendo stick. A loud, dueling “Daniel Bryan-CM Punk” chant breaks out.

Punk-Bryan WWE Title match continued on next page …