WWE RAW Results (7/23) – RAW 1000, DX Reunion, New IC Champ, Cena vs Punk Ends In Controversy

Intercontinental Championship
The Miz vs Christian (c)

Christian hits a dropkick and sends Miz into the corner, then Miz tries to catch him offguard but Christian throws him out of the ring. Christian dives on him as we go to a break, then we get back to see Christian hit a flying forearm shot and a punch to the head. He goes up top and hits a crossbody block, then another before calling for a Killswitch but Miz blocks it. Miz slams him on the mat and gets a near fall, then he runs at Christian in the corner and gets caught with a DDT for a two count. Christian holds his knee but calls for a spear, but Miz counters with a DDT for another near fall before lining up for a corner clothesline. Christian avoids it and goes for a Killswitch, but Miz counters with a side suplex attempt. Christian floats over but lands on his bad leg, then Miz turns him around and he hits a Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion – The Miz

HHH comes back out to the ring and says he already had his fun, but it's time to pick it up a bit and he wants an answer from Brock Lesnar. He says he challenged him to a fight at Summerslam and he wants an answer now, then Brock's music plays but Paul Heyman comes out instead. HHH says he wanted the horse's head, not the ass, then Heyman says Brock is there tonight and he was instructed to answer his challenge.

Heyman says Brock's answer is still no, so HHH says he will go find Brock if he won't be a man a come out to face him. Heyman asks if he wants another lawsuit, but HHH calls Brock a coward and he says he's just a bully and he's afraid of him. Heyman asks if he is really resorting to name calling, and he says that's what children do and he asks if HHH teaches his kids to do that. HHH slaps the mic out of his hands and warns him not to talk about his family, then Heyman apologizes to him and says he actually feels sorry for his kids. (Cont'd…)


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