Ring of Honor “Boiling Point” iPPV Results: 8/11/12

Truth Martini out with Roderick Strong and "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin, calling Kevin Kelly to the ring to conduct an interview. Truth calls them "the most cohesive unit in all of professional wrestling". Truth claims that Kevin Steen will retain the World Championship in tonight's main event, but Kevin claims that Strong and Elgin "just can't get along". Truth Martini says they're going to get over it, because the House of Truth will win the ongoing Tag Team Tournament. However, Roderick Strong says he's going on strike from the House of Truth because he wasn't given the ROH Championship shot that he was promised. 

-Michael Elgin vs. Charlie Haas 

Elgin controls the early going by power alone. As the announcers put over Haas' tag team experience, reminding us that he usually has a partner to tag, Elgin hits a big stalling suplex in the middle of the ring. Haas kicks out at two. 

Roderick Strong makes his way back to the ring and distracts Elgin long enough for Haas to go back on the offensive for the first time in the match. Haas takes the action to the outside while Kevin Kelly and Nigel try to sort out the controversy surrounding the World Title picture. It appears that Rhino will take the next shot in Chicago, while Elgin will face whoever might be the Champion in Toronto. 

Haas wraps Eglin's leg around the ring post and goes to work on the knee. Haas continues to work the knee as he makes his way back into the ring . Elgin writhes in pain on the mat as Haas stalks his prey. Both men are on the feet, but Charlie Haas makes the mistake of getting into a right hook match-up with Elgin, who takes the easy advantage. Haas goes right back on the offense again, once again targeting the injured knee. He locks in an Indian Deathlock, but Elgin gets free.

Roderick Strong remains on the outside, and eventually drinks a beer with Charlie Haas. Elgin drives Haas into the barricade, taking out Strong in the process. They make their way back into the ring, but Strong sprays beer into the eyes of his former partner, allowing Haas to roll-up Elgin for the 3-count! 

Winner: Charlie Haas

-Tag Team War
The Briscoes vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Steve Corino

This one breaks down into chaos almost immediately, with the four splitting up and taking the action all over the ring-side area. The Briscoes are in almost complete control for the first five minutes, but their opponents begin to gain momentum as they make their way back into the ring for the first time in the match. Corino tags in Jimmy Jacobs who takes down Mark and hits him with a elbow drop from the second rope, before doing… the chicken dance? Oy…

The Briscoes go back on the advantage with some "Redneck Kung Fu", landing a short jab to the throat of Jimmy Jacobs. This match is kind of ridiculous… Jay gets the tag and lands about a dozen left hands to Corino, but ends up on the recieving end of a big back body drop. Jacobs back in now, but the advantage doesn't last long. Mark Briscoe hits a splash of the top rop, but Corino breaks up the pin. Jacobs finds of bit of life as he grapples the head and looks to go for Sliced Bread, but Jay counters and the Briscoes hit the Doomsday Device for the pinfall victory. 

WInners: The Briscoes


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