Impact Wrestling Results (9/6) – Tag Team Championship, RVD Eliminated, Aries Gets Aces & Eights & More!

After the match, Hulk Hogan comes out and congratulates them on their shady victory. He says that AJ Styles thinks he can defeat both of them in a handicap match. The heels say "no" and Hogan agrees with them…so he makes a tag team match with AJ Styles partnering with Kurt Angle this Sunday at No Surrender! Mike Tenay and Tazz run down the No Surrender card, as TNA has added RVD vs. Magnus and Tara vs. Tessmacher for the Knockouts' Championship. 

Austin Aries is shown walking with their "prisoner" to the ring, as we got to commercial. 

Final Commercial Break

The Ballad of "New York Mike" and "Big Hammer Dude" 

We're back from the final commercial, and TNA World Champion Austin Aries brings the "prisoner" in the ring, with a little trouble getting a hand-cuffed guy actually through the ropes. Aries says it's time to make a deal for "Mike from New York". The Champ calls him a pathetic, sorry excuse for a man and says he wants the guy who tried to break his hand. He says he's tired of getting "rail-roaded from behind" to which a few guys in the crowd snicker. Aries notices and says it yet again. Aces & Eights seem to be taking their time, as we come close to the end of the show. 

Aries calls the deal off and brings "Mike from New York" into the corner for a beating, but the guy from Aces & Eights that broke Aries' hand makes the save. However, he beats "Mike from New York" in the head with a hammer, which allows Aries to gain the advantage as they start brawling. The two trade punches in the middle of the ring as we go off the air. 

That's our show folks! Be sure to check back in with for full and exclusive coverage of Sunday's TNA No Surrender PPV


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