WWE RAW Results (9/10) – New #1 Tag Title Contenders, Bret Hart Returns To Montreal, Punk/Cena Face Off

Number One Contender's Match (Tag Team Championship)
Prime Time Players vs Kane & Daniel Bryan

Kane punches Titus in the corner and throws him into the turnbuckles, then he tags Bryan and he kicks Titus in the chest. Titus throws an elbow and makes a tag, then Darren gets a few near falls before tagging back out. Titus bodyslams him and kicks him in the back, then Darren gets back in and puts Bryan in a three-quarters facelock. Bryan tries to break it so Darren kicks him, then Titus suplexes him onto Bryan then he chokes Bryan on the ropes. Bryan comes back with some kicks so Titus hits a backbreaker for two, then Darren takes him down with a snapmare and applies a headlock.

Bryan makes it to his feet and kicks him in the legs a few times, then he hits a suplex and Kane screams at him for the tag, but Bryan refuses. He goes up top but Darren avoids a diving headbutt, then he applies a headlock but Bryan fights out and drops him with a diving clothesline. Bryan looks over and says no to a tag, then he repeatedly kicks Darren in the chest and Kane tags himself in, much to Bryan's surprise. Kane whips Darren in the corner and hits a sidewalk slam for two, then he goes up top and hits a clothesline then hits a chokeslam and goes for a cover. Titus runs in so Kane throws him outside, then Bryan tags himself in and Kane gets pissed off, so he chokeslams Bryan onto Darren and they win the match with Bryan getting the cover.

Winners – Kane & Daniel Bryan

Alberto Del Rio vs Tyson Kidd

Kidd hits an early enziguiri and goes for a Sharpshooter, but Alberto kicks him away and elbows him in the back and shoulders. Alberto puts him in a headlock, but Tyson makes it to his feet so Alberto goes for a diving clothesline. Kidd avoids it and Alberto falls outside, then Kidd kicks him in the chest and rolls him back in. Alberto avoids a springboard dive and kicks him in the back, then he taunts the crowd and sets up a Sharpshooter. Kidd counters with a Sharpshooter of his own, but Alberto makes it to the ropes and he snaps Kidd's arm on the bottom rope and gets him to tap to the Cross Armbreaker. Alberto kicks him after the match and says he hopes Sheamus is watching, because it's nothing compared to Sunday, and Sheamus will lose his title like he lost his Brogue Kick.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio


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