WWE RAW Results (9/10) – New #1 Tag Title Contenders, Bret Hart Returns To Montreal, Punk/Cena Face Off

Sheamus vs David Otunga

Otunga rushes Sheamus in the corner and hits him a few times before slapping him, then Sheamus gets pissed off and stomps him near the ropes. Sheamus ties him in the ropes and clubs him in the chest, then he hits a clothesline and gets him to tap out to the Texas Cloverleaf. Sheamus initially leaves, but he turns around and levels Otunga with a Brogue Kick, then AJ comes out and says he has a problem with authority. Booker T comes out and says this is his business, and he has no choice but to tell Sheamus if he uses the Brogue Kick again he'll be stripped of his title.

(Note: Michael Cole informed the home audience that Jerry Lawler was taken backstage during the previous match and was being treated by medical staff after passing out at ringside. This was not a storyline angle, and Cole remained by himself at the commentary table, but did not speak since informing the home audience about Lawler's condition. He looked to be visibly (and understandably) shaken, and didn't comment on the match itself or the postmatch actions. No updates have been given on Lawler's condition as of this time.)

Winner – Sheamus

Daniel Bryan is arguing with Kane backstage, and Kane says getting the win should matter most, and Doctor Shelby says they should try to make it work. Bryan says he didn't appreciate the chokeslam, but they did get the win and he can learn to like teaming with Kane. They argue over which of their names will be announced first, then Shelby calms them down and tells them to call themselves "Team Friendship." They both look at him and scream NO! at him, then they leave and argue some more while Shelby looks on and scribbles some notes on his notepad.