WWE RAW Results (10/08) – Larry King Guest Stars, Vince McMahon Challenges CM Punk, Gives Him Ultimatum

Bryan hits a running dropkick on the floor as we go to a break, then we get back to see Kane avoid a legdrop bulldog and make a diving tag. Bryan takes Dolph to the top turnbuckle and goes for a hurricanrana, but Dolph rolls through and gets a near fall before hitting a dropkick. Alberto tags in and kicks Bryan in the back of the head, then he applies a headlock but Bryan fights out and gets a sunset flip attempt for a two count. Dolph tags back in and kicks Bryan, then he hits a neckbreaker and a diving elbow drop for a two count before tagging out. Alberto drops Bryan with a snap suplex and sends him across the ring, then Bryan tries to come back with a running dropkick but Alberto ducks and Bryan hits the turnbuckles.

Dolph puts him in a headlock but Bryan throws him into the corner, then he goes for a tag but Dolph pulls his leg to prevent it. Alberto stomps him a few times and tells Bryan to get up, then he hits a side slam for a near fall before putting him in a headlock. Bryan fights out and hits the ropes, but Alberto drops him with a backbreaker and goes for a pin attempt, only to have Kane break it up. Dolph continues to isolate Bryan and punches him in the face, then they slug it out until Dolph kicks Bryan's knees and tag Alberto back in. Bryan breaks a side headlock so Alberto runs at him, but Bryan moves away and Alberto hits the ringpost as Kane finally tags into the match.

Kane hits a corner clothesline and sends Alberto across the ring, then he hits another one and goes for a side slam but Alberto floats over and Dolph blindtags in. Dolph leaps in and Kane tries to chokeslam them both, but he can't lift them up so Dolph hits a legdrop bulldog for a near fall. Dolph goes for a Zig Zag but Kane shakes him off and drops him with a sidewalk slam, then he goes up top but Bryan tags himself in and hits a missile dropkick. Alberto breaks up the pin but Kane throws him outside, then Vickie jumps on the apron and Dolph tries to steal a rollup. Bryan kicks out and knocks Dolph down, then Kane tags himself in and hits a chokeslam for the win.

Winners – Team Hell No


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