WWE RAW Results (10/15) – Eve Defends Title, Barrett vs Sheamus, Punk’s New Opponent Is Determined

Miz welcomes everyone to Miz TV, then he says he can't believe Kofi Kingston challenged him for his title so the fans should feel sorry for him. Kofi comes out and says he thought Miz would like the footage of him getting beaten up, but Miz calls him irrelevant and says he'll carry him like everyone else. Kofi says Miz needed to be carried out of the ring last week, but Miz says all they remember him for is his catchphrase and being in bad tag teams. Miz says Kofi will never headline Wrestlemania like him, and Kofi says he's right so he needs some more memorable moments.

Kofi says he is going to beat Miz on Main Event this week, and that will be 'must-see' so he wants to thanks Miz for the peptalk. He says he wants to step up his game tonight, and he wants to step it up so much that he wants a match with Miz tonight. Miz says he doesn't back down from a challenge so he's on, but he says Kofi is going to choke like he always does. Miz says nobody cares about Kofi because he's just the guy who says 'Boom,' then he pokes him in the chest while he says it. Kofi flips out and takes him to the mat, then he punches him a few times until Miz breaks free and runs away.

Wade Barrett vs Sheamus

Wade ties up with Sheamus and backs him into the corner, then he switches to a waistlock but Sheamus counters with a legsweep and an armbar attempt. Wade gets up and punches him in the corner, then he elbows him near the ropes and hits the ropes but Sheamus comes back with a clothesline. Sheamus tries to tie him up but Wade hits him back, then he goes for a near fall before grounding him with a side headlock. Sheamus gets up and punches Wade in the stomach, then Wade whips him across the ring but Sheamus comes back with some elbows and a rolling fireman's carry slam. Wade rolls outside so Sheamus goes after him, and he knocks Wade down with a shoulder tackle as Big Show makes his way out. (Cont'd…)


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