Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 10-15

Dolph ZigglerRyback Defeats David Otunga and Dolph Ziggler

What I Liked:

Ziggler gets a quick dropkick, but that does nothing to Ryback. He ends up tagging in Otunga, who gets two moves and pinned by Ryback.

What I Disliked:

What the hell is the point of this? Why isn't Ziggler feuding with SOMEONE?! It gets to a point where you begin to wonder what is wrong with creative writers at times. The booking lacks any creative ideas, any progressive thinking, and shows you what happens when you do not know what to do with the best talent in the company.

Grade: C

-Vince and Heyman are backstage. Heyman says that Punk wants to fight Vince. Vince says it is good being himself.

– AJ tells Matt Striker that he is facing Kane tonight.

Antonio Cesaro Defeats Justin Gabriel

What I Liked:

This was a pleasant surprise for me. Two men with great in ring abilities get some time to wrestle. I felt like, to this point, WWE Raw has lacked a complete and good wrestling match. It is such a treat to watch Cesaro wrestle. He is unique and it is because of moves like his footstomp, his European Uppercut, and his Neutralizer. He is different than most on the roster, sticks to what he is good at, and continues to add new moves each week. I thought Gabriel put on a great showing as well, keeping the flow of the match quick and athletic. This is what the US Title picture should consist of, two guys working hard and getting the credibility that they deserve. Well done.

Grade: B+


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