Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 10-15

WWE RawThe Big Show Defeats Daniel Bryan

What I Liked:

Before the match, Show begins to talk about Booker T embarassing him and how Sheamus' Brogue Kick is nothing compared to his KO Punch. He is tired of being made fun of and his title reign, so he will face Daniel Bryan. Backstage, Bryan flips out and does not want to go fight him, but ends up going. The match itself was okay, nothing special. I really felt like Big Show was a little more athletic and kept up with Bryan more than usual. It is extremely difficult to transition from one move to the other with ease, but Show did a solid job tonight.

What I Disliked:

I still did not like the pairing of this match. Instead, Bryan and Kane should be focused on who they will face at Hell in a Cell, and not be involved in getting Big Show over. There are many other guys for Show to beat, and this was just an unnecessary loss. After the match, Kane saves Bryan from getting attacked more from Big Show. I thought it was showing some team work, but it still lacks the logic from what they have been doing with Kane and Bryan.

Grade: C+

CM Punk, Paul Heyman, and Vince McMahon

What I Liked:

As only Punk could do, he easily gets the crowd to boo him. He unveils the Hell in a Cell poster and gets upset how they make him look like the devil. Clever, yes, but was this the best thing to do? CM Punk continues to talk about respect, teases the crowd, and says he needs more time to make a decision. Vince comes out and says he lost his chance, and Vince will make a decision tonight. You need to have Vince on television to bring in ratings, and this was timed perfectly. Monday Night Football kicks off at 8:30, so it seems like WWE is determined to put the best possible angle on at that exact time.

What I Disliked:

I realize you want to draw out the decision, but I felt like Punk was not able to be creative in his reasoning. It was not bad, but I just left the segment wanting much more out of him and Heyman. When will Heyman speak up against Vince? I am sick of him looking like a wuss.

Grade: B-


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