TNA Turning Point

TNA Turning Point 2012 Results – Aries/Hardy Go to War, EY Returns, Titles on the Line & More!

#1 Contender’s Match

Bobby Roode vs. James Storm vs. AJ Styles

Styles and Storm clear the ring of Bobby Roode to start things off. They lock up with Styles getting the better of a wrist lock, but Storm transitions it into a momentary side headlock of his own. Storm gets the Irish Whip off the ropes, but Roode sweeps his legs and pulls him to the outside. The two trade blows on the floor, but “A1” flies over the top and takes them both out!

All three men roll back into the ring, with Styles getting both his opponents in opposite corners. He gets the flying splash on James Storm, but gets sent to the outside when he tries the same on Bobby Roode. Storm spears him off the apron and Styles goes crashing to the floor. With Styles temporarily out of he picture, the two bitter rivals exchange blows as Taz and Tenay highlight their long history as Kennelly covers the play-by-play. Storm gets the better of their exchange, but Styles drops him with the standing dropkick from out of nowhere. He goes to work on Roode now, and throws him hard to the outside. 

Styles works over Storm’s knee and leg to limit the use of his Last Call Superkick. Roode tries to get in, but Styles is in control of the ring and sends him back to the ground. AJ locks in the Indian deathlock on Storm as the “Cowboy” screams out in pain. Roode on the apron once again, but Storm throws AJ off the hold and into the ropes, once again sending Roode back to Earth. Storm gets AJ up for Eye of the Storm, but Roode finally gets back to the ring and hits a DDT on his former tag parter. 

Bobby Roode is frustrated from having been kept out of the match largely thus far, and stomps away on both men in opposite corners. A strong Irish whip takes down Storm, and another sends Styles out of the ring. Roode goes for the cover after a neckbreaker, but only gets two. Roode goes outside and sends Styles into the ring steps; he may have been legitimate hurt in that spot. Bobby mocks Storm and calls for the Superkick, but Storm hits a big back body drop. The “Cowboy” calls for a kick of his own, but Styles springboards off the top rope and hits him with a crossbody. 

Styles knee is weak, and Roode takes advantage. He stomps away at the knee in the corner, followed by a few strikes, but Styles fires back! Roode rushes the corner, but runs into a boot. Styles attempts the tornado DDT but Roode throws him off to the mat. Roode and Storm lock eyes and there’s a moment of understanding. They hit a dual Russian legsweep on Styles and the Impact Zone is cheering for Beer Money. Storm has other plans however, and takes down Roode. He backs Roode into the corner and sets him on the top rope. Styles runs at them, but Storm throws him high into the air, and he connects with a top rope hurricanrana on the seated Roode! 

Roode doesn’t stay down long though, as Storm and Styles take each other out. He goes up top and gets an Over Castle neckbreaker on Styles, but gets caught with the Pele afterwards. Styles goes for a springboard moonsault on Storm, but he rolls out of the ring and Styles eats a big spear from Roode! 1…2…but Styles kicks out! Roode locks in the crossface on Styles, but it gets rolled over into a small package, but Roode manages to break the pin. Roode with a viscious uranage, but he only gets two. Styles fights back and gets Roode in position for the Clash, but Storm hits the ring and plants him with the Last Call Superkick. 1…2…3, and James Storm pins AJ Styles. 

Winner: James Storm