10/25 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – Jeff Hardy Defends the World Title, Matt Morgan Attacks & More

Brooke Tessmacher said she was thrilled to see ODB beat up Jesse last week. She said she would win the Knockouts title back tonight…Hogan asked the others how serious Bully Ray was about the title. Storm and Angle both said he was concentrating on Devon and they would be too. Ray said if he isn't chosen to face Hardy he's calling out Devon for answers. Hogan said that made his decision easy and told him to go take care of his brother…Mr. Anderson made a tech person go get Aries so they could fight…

[Q4][C] Austin Aries stormed to the ring where Anderson was waiting…

3. Mr. Anderson vs. Austin Aries. They brawled around to start and then Anderson pulled a pair of brass knuckles out of his tights that Aries sneaked into them. The ref snatched them away and Aries attacked off the distraction. He dumped Anderson to the floor and hit a suicide dive…[C]

Back from commercial, Aries worked Anderson over in the corner and hit a sick chop. Anderson fired back and hit a clothesline to start his comeback.

[Q5] Anderson went for a Finlay Roll, but Aries escaped and raked the back. Anderson hit a Trouble in Paradise and Aries went to the floor. Anderson hit a dive over the top rope and rolled Aries back in. He went for the Finlay roll again, but Aries grabbed the ref and pulled himself down. In the process, he took the brass knucks from the ref and tried to hit Anderson.

Anderson ducked the blow and hit Aries. He picked up the knucks and the ref again took them away. In the process, Aries took another pair out and knocked Anderson out. He caught him and faked a pin on himself, but kicked out at two and hooked the last chancery for the win. The ref looked confused at the end…[C]

Austin Aries defeated Mr. Anderson at 12:35.

Backstage, Tara and her boo begged Brooke Hogan to do something about ODB. Brooke blew it off and told Tara to get ready for match. She stopped Jesse and said ODB had her eye on him. She told him to have good luck with that…Up in the booth, Tenay and Tazz took over on commentary…

4. Brooke Tessmacher vs. Tara (w/Jesse) for the Knockouts Championship.

Tessmacher knocked Tara off the apron to start. Tara spent most of the match making kissy faces at Jesse after he interfered. Brooke tried to hit the ropes, but Jesse pulled the middle rope down and she fell to the floor. He rolled her back in and Tara hit the Widow's Peak for the win…

Tara retained the Knockouts Championship at 3:50.

Post-match, Tara and Jesse checked each other's tonsils until Brooke Hogan came out. Brooke said next week was Open Fight Night and she had just gotten off the phone with ODB, who had challenged Jesse. She wished him luck with that again and called him by his pet name that Tara uses. Jesse cried and hugged Tara…[C]