WWE Smackdown Results (11/23) – Cena on Miz TV, Kofi Defends Against Sandow, Ziggler vs Orton

Sin Cara vs Alberto Del Rio

Alberto kicks Cara and takes him down with a snapmare, then he runs towards the ropes but Cara avoids a leg lariat and sends Alberto outside. Cara hits a suicide dive before getting a near fall, then he goes for an enziguiri but Alberto ducks and connects with a quick backbreaker. Cara takes him down with an armdrag but Alberto whips him into the ringpost, then we get back from a break to see Alberto grounding Cara with a side headlock. Cara comes back with a rollup attempt, then Alberto kicks him in the head and throws him face first into the corner.

Alberto kicks him in the back and gets another rollup, then he puts him in a chinlock but Cara breaks it and hurricanranas him for another quick pin attempt. Alberto dropkicks him in the face and backs up into the corner, then Cara avoids a corner dive and sets up a swinging DDT. Alberto counters with a front slam for a near fall, then he applies a chinlock but Cara makes it to his feet and throws some elbows. He takes Alberto down with a spinning armdrag and follows with a high kick, then he connects with a springboard crossbody block and a back handspring elbow strike. Cara climbs up top but Alberto slams him down on the mat, then he spins around and gets Cara to tap out to the Cross Armbreaker.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio

Daniel Bryan is backstage with Kane and he tells him to stay out of his way, because he beat Big Show in record time long before Kane came along. Kane says that won’t happen again, and he was partners with Show years ago, but he was a whiny baby like Bryan. He says they should team together and they can whine together, then Bryan asks if this is because he didn’t invite him to Thanksgiving. Kane says it is a little, then Bryan says he wouldn’t have liked it because he had vegan turkey. Kane asks what the point is, then Bryan says if they win tonight he will invite Kane over for Christmas. Kane asks if he can beat up Santa Claus, then Bryan agrees and they break off as they head to the ring for their match.


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