11/29 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – Title on the Line, Morgan Returns to the Ring & More

Austin Aries is backstage and says Hulk is a sucker for booking him in this match. He says the X-Division title is the key to him winning back his World Title (at Destination X next year, I'm assuming). I couldn't hear what Hogan said in response, because production ran the audio from a Bobby Roode video package on top of the backstage segment. 

5. X-Division Championship Match
Rob Van Dam (c) vs. Austin Aries

They start off trading momentum with some excellent chain grapples, as the commentary team puts over this first-time match between the champion and the former champion. Aries never actually lost the belt, remember. Van Dam kicks Aries into the corner and hits two shoulder thrusts. He sends his opponent off the Irish whip, but Aries holds the ropes and Van Dam misses a standing dropkick. Aries tries his own version of Rolling Thunder, but RVD gets the legs up. The action spills to the outside as we go to our final commercial break. 

Commercial Break

As we come back, Van Dam is in control. He wraps Aries around the barricade and heads to the apron. He tries for a spinning leg drop, but Austin gets off in time and Van Dam goes crashing through it. He's caught up now with his leg in the barricade, and Aries takes advantage and hits a big neckbreaker. The former World Champ rolls RVD back into the ring but can't get a 3-count. 

Van Dam slowly battles back and kicks Aries into the corner yet again. Shoulder thrusts connects, followed by a backflip and a big final shoulder thrust. A swift kick to the chin finds its mark, and Van Dam follows it up with Rolling Thunder. RVD heads up top…Splitleg Moonsault connects! 1…2…no, Aries kicks out. Rob Van Dam does his "RVD" chant and heads up top for the frog splash. Aries pops up and hits him in the head, and he crashes head-first throught the steel ring steps. Instead of pinning Van Dam, Aries…cuts a promo on Brooke Hogan. Seems legit. Bully Ray attacks him and causes the DQ.

Winner by DQ: Austin Aries

Austin Aries is caught between a rock and a hard place, as Hogan stops him on the entrance ramp. The show ends with Bully Ray and Hulk Hogan staring each other down. 


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