WWE Smackdown Results (12/7) – Sheamus & Big Show Sign No Contact Agreement, Wade vs Orton

Antonio Cesaro comes out and says he learned a lot about America since he became United States champion, and he calls Americans ‘weak.’ He says America used to be a superpower and they followed the American Dream, but now they just look like the American Dream and he displays a picture of Dusty Rhodes. The crowd boos more as he calls the fans pathetic, then he says it’s only getting worse and R-Truth finally comes out and cuts him off. Truth says ‘What’s Up’ to everyone, then he says Cesaro needs a dose of the truth. He says Cesaro isn’t from here, because the truth sets you free here, and he can look across America and see hard working people.

Truth says those same people face adversity and kick it in the little Jimmy, and he thinks Cesaro is picking a fight with America. Cesaro tells everyone to shut up because Truth is talking without backing it up, and this has everything to do with Truth having a make believe friend and trying to steal his title. Cesaro mocks the fans and says that’s the truth, but Truth just gets in the ring a punches him a few times before Cesaro rolls outside. Truth tells him to come back and get his title, then he lays it on the mat and dares Cesaro to come back in the ring.

Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio

Alberto ties up with Sheamus and shoves him in the corner, then Sheamus comes back with a hiptoss and a kicks to the shoulder. Alberto rolls outside and Sheamus tells him to come back, then Alberto runs back in and trade punches with Sheamus. He kicks Sheamus in the corner and chokes him with his boot, then he backs up and runs at him but Sheamus kicks him in the face. Sheamus knocks him down and stomps him in the corner, then Alberto stuns him with a quick kick and chokes him on the ropes. Sheamus comes back with some right hands and whips him into the ropes, then Sheamus drops him with an elbow drop and Alberto retreats back outside. (Cont'd…)