WWE Smackdown Results (12/7) – Sheamus & Big Show Sign No Contact Agreement, Wade vs Orton

Sheamus slams his head into the broadcast table before rolling him back in the ring, then Sheamus rams his shoulder into Alberto’s ribs and sets up a suplex on the apron. Alberto blocks it and dropkicks Sheamus off the apron, then he taunts the crowd while Big Show makes his way out to the stage. We get back from a break to see Sheamus knee Alberto in the chest, then he hits the ropes but Alberto kicks him in the stomach and knees the back of his head. Alberto bodyslams him near the corner and connects with a moonsault for a near fall, then he hits a suplex for another near fall before applying a side headlock. Sheamus powers himself up and punches Alberto in the corner, then he sets him up on the top rope but Alberto falls back and puts him in a Cross Armbreaker.

Alberto jumps off the top rope but Sheamus hits him with a double forearm smash, then they slug it out before Sheamus drops him with another forearm shot. Alberto goes for a leg lariat but Sheamus moves away and clubs him in the chest, then he pulls him up and suplexes him back into the ring. Sheamus heads up top and connects with a Battering Ram for a near fall, then he goes for an Irish Curse but Alberto counters with a Backstabber for two. Alberto calls for the finish but Sheamus counters with a White Noise attempt, then Alberto counters that and a Brogue Kick with a running enziguiri. Alberto kicks him before going for another moonsault, but Sheamus rolls away and hits a backbreaker before getting him to tap to the Texas Cloverleaf.

Winner – Sheamus

Big Show makes his way down the ramp and sarcastically claps for Sheamus, then he gets in the ring and dares Sheamus to hit him. He gets in Sheamus’ face and says he knows he wants to do it, then Sheamus screams at him and calls for a Brogue Kick. Sheamus back up and clubs his chest, but Sheamus grabs a distracted Ricardo Rodriguez and throws him towards Show’s crotch. Ricardo headbutts Show and both go down, then Sheamus plays to the crowd as Show rolls around in pain and the show comes to a close.

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