TNA Final Resolution PPV Results (12/9): Styles/Daniels Steal the Show, the Aces & Eights Attack & More!

(6) Kurt Angle, Wes Brisco, Garrett Bischoff & Samoa Joe vs Aces & Eights

The Eights make their way out, and Devon and DOC are two of their members, as well as two masked men. The face then make their entrance and chase their opponents from the ring. Joe is begging Devon to get back in the ring, as he holds the TV title. 

Devon starts this match off by attacking Kurt Angle from behind. His advantage doesn’t last long though, as he runs right into a big elbow from Angle. Kurt stomps away in the corner and plants him with a big vertical suplex. Samoa Joe makes the tag and Devon dives out of the ring to avoid him. DOC tags in and the two big men trade rights and lefts, with joe going crazy on him as they back into the corner. Joe is all fired up and lands splash after splash into the corner, followed by the CCS Enzuigiri. 

Garrett Bischoff gets the tag, as does one of the masked men on the side of Aces & Eights. He also goes to work in the corner with a big splash and a flurry of rights, before tagging in Wes Brisco. The Impact Zone is all about Brisco for some reason, but he gets a wrist lock in and tags back in Samoa Joe who knocks everybody off the apron. Joe gets taken to the outside and mugged by all four guys from Aces & Eights, before being thrown back into the ring.

Now that Joe is down, Devon finally gets in the ring. And punches away at him in the corner as the crowd chants “Joe’s gonna kill you”. Tag to DOC, and the big man comes in and slaps Joe with a reverse chin lock. The crowd is fired up now, and Joe fights his way out of the hold, but runs into a forearm from the Eights enforcer. Devon back in and keeps up the heel pressure as the fans tell him “you sold out”.  Devon works the crowd and taunts his opponent before tagging in a very large masked member of the Aces & Eights. He goes crazy with right hands and the other masked guy makes the tag as well. The try to double team Joe in the corner, but he knocks one down and hits the S-T-Joe on the other, planting him on top of his partner!

Kurt Angle makes the hot tag and goes to work on the smaller masked man. Big crossbody connects, and in comes DOC to eat a belly-to-belly suplex. Masked man #1 gets a belly-to-belly for his trouble as well, but now all eight guys are brawling everywhere as all hell breaks loose! DOC chokeslams Kurt Angle but Wes Brisco comes off with a beautiful crossbody from the top rope. Garrett Bischoff gets a big DDT on the masked guy #2, but Devon takes them both out. Kurt Angle locks Masked Man #1 in the ANkle Lock, but DOC makes the save with the hammer. Before he can use it, Wes Brisco spears him out off the ring! Angle with the Angle Slam for the win! 

Winners: Kurt Angle, Wes Brisco, Garrett Bischoff and Samoa Joe


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