WWE Smackdown Results (12/14) – The Shield Attacks Again, Kofi vs Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus vs Cesaro

WWE Smackdown Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
December 14th 2012

Big Show vs R-Truth

Big Show kicks Truth in the stomach and throws him in the corner, then he chops his chest and knocks him down with a headbutt. Show picks him up and headbutts him again, then he catches him with another chop before stepping on his chest. He throws Truth on the top turnbuckle and kicks him, then he hits him with another hard chop befor stepping on his chest and taking him outside. Show talks trash to Sheamus (at commentary) and Truth hits Show when he turns around, but Show shakes it off and throws him into the side of the apron.

Antonio Cesaro (also at commentary) goes towards Truth but Sheamus shoves him and tells him to sit down, then Show pulls Truth in the ring and yells at Sheamus. Truth kicks Show in the face and puts him in a sleeperhold, but Show throws him over his shoulder to break it then he sets up a running elbow drop. Truth rolls away and follows with a neckbreaker for two, then he applies a front facelock but Show thrwos him across the ring and hits the Knockout Punch for the win. Show raises his title in the air and gets back in Sheamus' face, and Sheamus stands up but Cesaro hits him from behind. Sheamus ends up slamming into Show as a result, and Sheamus chases Cesaro off as Show says the Chairs Match is not happening.

Winner – Big Show

Big Show finds Booker T backstage and says he saw what happened, so he has no choice but to call off the match because of Sheamus' temper. Show brags about it but Booker tells him to stop, and the way he saw things, Cesaro bumped Sheamus and Sheamus accidentally bumped him. He says he should admit he is scared of Sheamus, but Show says he is not scared and Sheamus broke the rules of the no contact clause. Booker says it was an accident, so as far as he's concerned the match is still on, then he walks away as Show says he's not scared.


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