12/20 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – 3 Titles Defended on Championship Thursday

TNA Impact Wrestling

December 20, 2012

Results by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

Impact opens with a graphic dedicated to the lives lost in the recent school shootings in Connecticut. 

Austin Aries is shown arriving to the Impact Zone as the three man announce team welcomes us to the show. 

(1) TNA TV Championship Match

Devon (c) vs. Kurt Angle

Devon arrives with the Aces & Eights, and Kurt Angle brings out Wes Brisco, Samoa Joe and Garrett Bischoff to even the odds. Both groups surround the ring, turning it into a Lumberjack match, of sorts, and this match gets underway. 

Angle goes on the offense early with a series of right hands, and ducks a spear by Devon, sending him crashing to the floor. Angle's group tries to get involved, leading to a giant brawl on the outside. As the referee ejects both groups from the ringside area, Devon sneaks back into the ring and attacks Angle's knee from behind. 

Commercial Break

Devon is in control as the match resumes, still working over Angle's injured knee. Angle gets back into the corner, but avoids a big splash and gets a belly-to-belly suplex to get back into the match. The triple German suplexes connect, and Devon gets caught in the Ankle Lock as the Aces & Eights once again surround the ring. The referee getes distracted long enough for an enforcer to nail Angle in the back of the head with a pipe, allowing Devon to pick up the victory. 

Winner: Devon

The Knockouts are backstage with Brooke Hogan, as she decides who will battle for the title later tonight. ODB gets eliminated, as Brooke says she should go focus on her husband, EY. 

After a commercial break, Kenny King says it doesn't matter how he won his match last week, all that matters is that his name was called after the match was over. He talks about teaming with RVD tonight, and that their opponents won't have teeth after they get done tonight. 

(2) Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan vs. RVD & Kenny King

Matt Morgan starts off the match against Kenny King, who attempts to take the big man down with a variety of kicks, to very little effect. Morgan with a big headbutt, before tagging in Joey Ryan. King lands a few kicks on Ryan, but Morgan throws him headfirst into the turnbuckle from the apron. Ryan tags out to Matt Morgan, who goes back to work with stiff shoulder blocks and running clothesline into the corner. Ryan yet again tags in to take advantage, but King rolls under a clothesline and gets the hot tag to Rob Van Dam. 

Matt Morgan makes his way in and hits Van Dam with the Carbon Footprint as Kenny King looks on from the outside.

Winner: Matt Morgan and Joey Ryan