1/3 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – Sting Returns, Another Aces & Eights Member Revealed & More!

Backstage Bobby Roode and Austin Aries are freaking out to Hulk Hogan about the unfair nature of their triple threat match at Genesis. They say it goes against everything the history of the business stands for. Hogan says that it's going to be an elimination match at Genesis, just so there's nothing left to complain about. He also says next week, Roode and Aries are going to team up against Jeff Hardy, and whoever he wants as his partner. 

(5) Steel Cage Match
Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe vs. Devon & Masked Man

Before the match starts, DOC attacks Kurt Angle on the oustide and locks Samoa Joe inside the steel cage with the other two members of Aces & Eights. DOC continues working over Angle, sending him head first into the steel cage. 

Joe throws Devon into the corner and dodges out of the way of the masked man, sending him splashing into his partner. He hits the CCS Enzuigiri on both of them, and ducks under a clothesline making the Eights take each other out yet again. Evenutally the numbers advantage pays off, and Joe is caught in the corner getting a beatdown from the Aces & Eights. DOC keeps Angle down on the outside; man, wouldn't it be nice if he had two rookies at his disposal that could help him out in a time like this? 

Commercial Break

As we come back, Joe has both members of the Aces & Eights down in the middle of the ring, as he recovers in the corner. Angle finally recovers and kicks DOC in the balls, before taking his set of keys to the cage door. Angle opens the cage and runs, getting German suplexes on both members. DOC once again smashes the cage door into Angle's face, busting him wide open. All four men are down and blood is pooling out of Angle onto the mat. 

Angle gets the trio of Germans on Devon, and a fourth on the masked member. Joe gets up and sends Devon into one side of the cage, followed by the other. Angle hits the Angle Slam on the masked man, and picks up the win. 

Winners: Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle

After the match the Aces & Eights all hit the ring and pick apart Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe, as Devon directs traffic. Ken Anderson looks on from outside the cage as the Eights continue to destroy the winners of the cage match. Kurt Angle has blood everywhere, as the Impact Zone chants for Sting. 

Sting makes his way down to the ring with a baseball bat and hits every member of the Eights one by one. They start climbing the cage and retreating out the door. DOC locks the cage to keep them away, but there's one masked member left in the ring with them. The Eights look on from the outside in horror as the faces beat the hell out of the masked guy. They take his mask off and it's revealed as Mike Knox! 

Mike Tenay puts him over as "Mike Knox from the WWE" mentioning that Tazz knows him. The Eights retreat with Knox and Anderson, as Sting, Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe celebrate their win and the return of the Icon.


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