WWE Smackdown Results (1/11) – The Rock Returns ‘Home’, Alberto/Big Show In Last Man Standing Match For WHC

Matt Striker is backstage with 3MB, and they say they are entering the Royal Rumble because it's a great gig and Slater's mom thinks they have a good chance to win. He says she's right, because they have a ten percent chance to win, then they say they still have a problem to deal with first. Drew says they have a big Irish problem after last Monday, then they all pump themselves up and cheer as Striker rolls his eyes. Elsewhere, Matt Striker asks for Alberto Del Rio's thoughts about his title match, and he says Big Show knows nothing about the Latino community. He says he will get revenge for Ricardo and himself, and he will be the new champion at the end of the night.

CM Punk and Paul Heyman are shown on the football field at Sun Life Stadium, and he says The Rock should recognize it because it's home of the Miami Hurricanes football team. Punk puts on a #94 Dwayne Johnson jersey and says he's always been a big fan, but they tore down the place that Rock lived in glory, the Orange Bowl. He says it's fitting because Rock isn't a part of WWE anymore either, and it's his arena now so Rock should say goodbye. Punk says WWE is celebrating Rock's return to Smackdown, and he might be able to go back to Miami, but he can never come "home."

Dolph Ziggler & AJ Lee (w/ Big E Langston) vs The Great Khali & Natalya (w/ Hornswoggle) 

Khali chops Dolph in the corner, then he waits for Dolph to get up and swings at him but Dolph ducks and tags AJ in. AJ jumps on Khali and chokes him but he walks away and tags out, then Natalya clotheslines her and sets up a Sharpshooter. AJ bites her leg to break her hold, then Natalya complains to the ref before punching her in the corner. AJ bites Natalya's face, then she connects with Sliced Bread #2 for the win. Langston jumps in the ring and attacks Khali after the bell, then Dolph kicks him in the head before they turn their attack on Hornswoggle. Langston grabs Hornswoggle as he tries to run away, and Hornswoggle tries to plead with him but Langston hits the Big Ending and leaves.

Winners – Dolph Ziggler & AJ Lee