Marti Funk Labels Kevin Nash Comments About John Travolta as “Drunken Homophobic Slurs”

Kevin NashThe following statement has been issued to WZ:

TO Kayfabe Memories RE – "YouShoot: Kevin Nash" preview – John Travolta

My husband and I hold your web site in the highest regard and enjoy your hard work on it daily.

However, the latest video of Kevin Nash talking about John Travolta (Our neighbor in Ocala, Florida) is complete BULLSHIT!!!

We have known John Travolta for years and Dory Funk ( my husband) has had photos taken with John on several occasions and I believe Mr. Nash is playing an old worn out card. Mr. Nash is talking out of his head, and if I were to repeat what some of the girls say about him in his intimate times it would make everyone laugh out loud.

Only a very sad person could twist the attention of an A-lister to something so ridiculously childish.

This drunken homophobic slur from Mr. Nash will go around the world today and hopefully you will feel enough heat to accomplish something more positive for the worldly view of pro-wrestling.


Marti Funk.


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