WWE RAW Results (2/11) – Heyman’s Big Announcement, Chamber Match Participants Set, Punk/Rock Final Confrontation

Dolph tries to hit a crossbody but Kane catches him, then Dolph floats over and connects with a DDT for a near fall. He goes for a corner splash but Kane hits a big boot for a near fall, then he pulls Dolph up and whips him into the corner and hits a clothesline. Kane hits another clothesline and goes for a side slam but Dolph avoids it, then he applies a sleeperhold but Kane breaks it by throwing him over his shoulder. Dolph hits a legdrop bulldog for a near fall, then Kane comes back with a side slam for a near fall before heading up top. AJ jumps on the apron and tries to distract him, but Kane jumps away and Dolph ducks a diving clothesline. Dolph bounces into the ropes and knocks AJ into Langston's arms, but Dolph turns to see what happened and gets chokeslammed and Kane makes the cover.

Winner – Kane

The Rock comes out and says it's finally good to be back in Nashville, then he tells a story about how he lived there and how he bought a car from a crackhead. He says there was another crackhead sleeping in the back and he threw him out, then he thought it may be stolen so he ditched the car and left. Rock keeps talking about his dream of becoming the WWE Champion, and he says he realized his dream and will stay champion after this Sunday. CM Punk and Paul Heyman cut him off and stand on the stage, and Rock makes fun of their earlier appearance and tells them to bring it. Rock says he is going to kick Punk's ass this Sunday, then he tells him to come down there now if he is feeling lucky. 

Punk heads down the ramp and stops at the bottom, then he consults with Heyman and says he's not going to do it and stalls for time. He pretends to leave before running to the ring, then Rock gets a few good shots in before Punk turns the tables. Rock comes back with a spinebuster, then he goes for the People's Elbow but Heyman trips him as he hits the ropes. Rock looks down at Heyman before turning around, but Punk gets up and hits him with a GTS. Punk picks up the title and leaves with it, then Heyman continues to tell Punk how great he is as Rock starts to get up. Punk says story time is over, and since Rock wants him to bring it, he is going to get what belongs to him by taking it.

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