WWE RAW Results (2/11) – Heyman’s Big Announcement, Chamber Match Participants Set, Punk/Rock Final Confrontation


By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

February 11th 2013

Paul Heyman starts the show off by saying tonight's the last night they will ever see him, and he won't stick around to be a victim. He says he fought for seven years to give the fans ECW, and then he came to WWE and gave the same amount of passion. Heyman says he helped Brock Lesnar become 'The Next Big Thing,' and then he found a guy who could be bigger than Bruno Sammartino and carry WWE through the years. Heyman says CM Punk is that man, and he should still be WWE Champion, but he sees what's coming next. He says something bad is coming, and it's not only going to fall on his head, but it's coming for CM Punk too, and he doesn't need this distraction.

Heyman says he has become a distraction to Punk, and he cannot let his sins get Punk in trouble so he is out there to tender his resignation. Heyman says it's funny because they have no compassion for him, but he shows the same amount of low respect for the fans and he won't miss them at all. He asks if they are proud of themselves, then he says Punk needs to concentrate on being WWE Champion again, and he won't stand in his friend's way. Heyman says he will celebrate with Punk when he wins on Sunday, but for now he will say goodbye, then the crowd cheers as he looks upset and hangs his head. CM Punk comes out and tries to reason with him, and Heyman says he is just in the way and Vince McMahon thinks he tried to pay The Shield off.

Heyman says Vince thinks he also paid off Brad Maddox, but that's the wrong perception, then Punk says he's wrong because they all look up to him. Punk says there are a lot of 'Paul Heyman' guys out there, but Heyman says he told him perception is reality and Vince will come for them. Heyman says what happened at the Royal Rumble was a screw job, but Vince will get them again and he just needs to go. Punk says they'll wake up from the bad dream on Sunday, and he'll beat The Rock to continue his record-setting reign with Heyman in his corner. Heyman says Punk is right, and he will be there to witness his win, then Heyman hugs him and says he's still the best in the world before they raise each other's arms.