WWE Elimination Chamber Results (2/17) – The Shield Looks For Justice, Punk vs Rock II, The Winner Of The Elimination Chamber Match Is…

Kane and Daniel Bryan are shown working things out backstage, and Bryan says he hopes he isn't ignoring him because of what happened at the Royal Rumble. Bryan says it was an accident and they should move past it, but Kane says he is just focused and Bryan should leave him alone. Kane says tonight is a big deal for him, and Bryan says it could come down to them as the final two, so they should look out for each other. Kane says OK and they hug it out, then Kane says Bryan will watch his back, and he'll watch his own then walks away.

Elimination Chamber Match (#1 Contender's Match)
Jack Swagger vs Kane vs Mark Henry
vs Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan vs Chris Jericho

Bryan hits a shoulder block then Jericho hiptosses him a few times, then he goes to a side headlock before hitting a shoulder block of his own. Jericho goes for Walls of Jericho but Bryan counters with the NO Lock, then Jericho counters again with Walls but Bryan kicks him into the ropes. Bryan whips him across the ring but Jericho throws him over the ropes, then he tries to suplex Bryan into the chamber wall but Bryan shoves him back. Jericho springs back and slingshots Bryan into one of the pods, then he side suplexes Bryan for a near fall before Swagger gets involved. Swagger slams Jericho on the mat and hits a Swagger Bomb for two, then he throws Bryan into the chamber wall twice and goes for a clothesline. Bryan avoids it and Swagger hits the wall, but he shakes it off and drags Bryan's face on the floor before Jericho dropkicks him.

Swagger avoids a corner splash and repeatedly punches Jericho on the chamber floor, then Bryan surprises him with a flying knee strike before going after Jericho. Bryan chops him a few times and suplexes him, then he heads up top but Jericho avoids a diving headbutt and tries to roll him up. Kane enters the match as Jericho chokes Bryan on the ropes, and Kane goes right after Jericho and whips him into the corner. Kane whips Swagger into Jericho and Bryan dropkicks them both, then Kane sends Swagger out to the floor and Bryan tries to roll up his partner and steal a pinfall. He apologizes as Kane kicks out and says it was a mistake, then Bryan asks for a hug but Kane points to the Wrestlemania sign and they argue back and forth. (Cont'd…)


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