3/25 WWE Monday Night Raw Results – Cena & Rock Prepped for Mania By WWE Hall of Famers

Triple HTriple H makes his way out in street attire – leather jacket and all. The Game says he is going to WrestleMania for the first time, where he may not come out with a career. But the thing is, if you go into a match with Brock Lesnar assuming you'll have a career when you're done, you've already lost. He talks about fighting every match for 20 years like it's his last, and how Paul Heyman's stipulation doesn't mean anything. 

Wade Barrett cuts off Triple H and makes his way out for his match, which is scheduled next. Hunter kicks him in the balls and walks off as the champion is left laying on the entrance ramp holding himself. 

Wade Barrett vs. The Miz

Miz gets an atomic drop on Barrett, who continues to play up the low blow from Triple H. Barrett rolls back into the ring and takes three more atomic drops – two of them were inverted. Wade rolls to the outside again and yells at the referee to get the match under control. He hits the ring hard and takes it to Miz with a flurry of strikes, but gets thrown over the top rope and down to the floor. Miz with an ax handle off the apron, and rolls the champion back into the ring for a close two-count as we head to commercial. 

When we come back, Barrett is kneeing Miz in the face as he's caught up in the ropes. There's a handful of fans chanting "boring" and "you suck" at the champion, and he gives them a gesture to piss them off further. Miz pops up and tackes Barrett and tries to get the crowd behind him, but the champ catches him with the Winds of Change for a two-count. Miz goes for the Figure Four but Barrett counters into a small package. 1…2…Wade kicks out. Again he goes for the Figure Four, but the champ throws him shoulder-first into the steel post. 

Barrett pulls down his elbow pad and gets ready for the Bull Hammer, but Miz ducks out of the way. Miz hangs his opponent up on the top rope and Barrett flails around like crazy. Figure Four is locked in, and Barrett submits. 

Results: Miz wins via submission