WWE Smackdown Results (3/29) – The Rock, Big Johnny Returns, Henry/Ryback Benchpress Challenge

Sheamus, Big Show & Randy Orton vs Rhodes Scholars & Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro applies a side headlock but Orton throws him into the ropes and hits an uppercut, then he sends Cesaro into the corner and tags Sheamus in. Sheamus throws a few punches in the corner but Cesaro matches it, then Sheamus hits him right back and puts him in an armbar while he tags out. Big Show waits for Cody to tag in and tells him to come at him, but Show just shoves him in the corner and chops the hell out of him. Cody falls out of the ring and Show stops Sandow from interfering, then Cody gets back in and Show bodyslams him as we cut to a commercial break.

We get back to see Orton kick Sandow in the chest, then he backs him into the corner and hits some mounted punches before connecting with an uppercut. Sandow charges Orton and sends him into the corner, then he stomps him a few times before tagging out, and Cesaro comes in and hits a double foot stomp. Cesaro hits a gutwrench throw for a near fall, then they continue to use quick tags and attacks to keep Orton isolated. Sandow hits the Elbow of Disdain before applying a headlock, and Orton breaks it before countering a clothesline with a backbreaker. Orton crawls towards his corner as Cesaro heads up top, but Show shoves him off the turnbuckles as Sheamus gets in and kicks Cody in the head.

Sheamus throws him on the apron and clubs his chest, then he grabs Sandow and repeatedly hits him until Cody tries to hit him from behind. Sheamus shoves him back and hits White Noise, then he goes for a Brogue Kick but Cesaro and Sandow run in and attack him from behind. Show and Orton get in and even it up, and Show helps Orton drop Sandow with a RKO before Sheamus Brogue Kicks Cody for the win. The Shield comes through the crowd as the match ends, but Sheamus, Orton and Show run through the crowd and start brawling with The Shield in the stands. They end up fighting into some concession stands, then The Shield runs away as Orton, Show and Sheamus pose for the crowd as the show ends.

Winners – Sheamus, Big Show & Randy Orton

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