4/4 TNA Impact Wrestling Results – X-Division Action, 10-Man Main Event & More

10-Man Tag Team Match
Aces & Eights vs. Team TNA

Aces & Eights: Devon, DOC, Garrett Bischoff, Wes Brisco, Mike Knox
Team TNA: Kurt Angle, Eric Young, Samoa Joe, Magnus & Joseph Park

Joe and Magnus rip apart Garrett Bischoff to start things off, using double team manuevers. Garrett eventually rakes the eyes of Samoa Joe and tags in Devon, who takes a flurry of right hands from Joe. Standing enzuguiri finds its mark, but he only gets a two-count. Mike Knox tags in, but Joe connects with a flying knee and tags in EY who goes up top and comes down with a flying axhandle. Young throws Knox to the outside and flies over the ropes with a crossbody to the floor as we head to commercial. 

After the break, Devon is beating the hell out of Eric Young. The Aces & Eights rotate through their team with quick tags, keeping EY isolated. DOC in the ring, and Young counters with a neckbreaker, but Knox comes in and clears the apron of Team TNA to make sure he doesn't get the tag. EY avoids a splash in the corner and in comes Joe Park for the hot tag, as he's the only man on the apron. DOC goes over the top rope and Wes Brisco runs in, only to get hit with a spinebuster. Park hits a running splash, but the Aces & Eights swarm the ring to break up the pin, and all hell breaks lose with all ten guys in the match. 

Bodies are flying everywhere, and eventually the only men in the ring are Samoa Joe and Joseph Park, who is down. Devon hits the ring and trades blows with Joe, but out of nowhere Joe goes suicide dive and takes out two members of Aces & Eights on the floor. Devon heads up to the top rope for a diving headbut on Park, but he rolls out of the way. Brisco and Bischoff hit the ring, and take a clothesline from Park. DOC comes in while the ref is distracted on the outside, and hits Park with a low blow. 1-2-3

Result: Aces & Eights win via pinfall


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