Complete ROH “Supercard of Honor VII” iPPV Results

World Heavyweight #1 Contender's Match
Jay Lethal vs. "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin

My internet cut out for about 10 minutes, but when it came back on the fans were chanting "this is awesome" and Elgin threw Lethal into a top turnbuckle with a German suplex. Elgin goes high risk and comes off the top rope for a splash, but Lethal gets his knees up and his opponent comes down hard. Lethal hits a Final Shot transitioned into a Koji Clutch – Elgin barely gets to the ropes before he has to tap out. Jay tries for Lethal Injection, but Elgin blocks it. Superkick attempt – again Elgin blocks the attack. 

Elgin fights back and lands a huge back elbow to the temple of Jay Lethal. He puts Lethal into powerbomb positon and throws him square into the turnbuckle. A lariat finds it's mark, but Jay kicks out. Elgin gets another buckle bomb, but Lethal kips up and hits a draganrana! Lethal Combination, followed by the Lethal Injection! He goes up to the top rope and comes down with the "Macho Man" elbow drop! 1…2…No! They battle up to the top rope, and Elgin comes off with a super powerbomb from the top rope! He picks him up…Elgin Bomb! 1…2…3! 

Results: Michael Elgin wins via pinfall

After the match, the five men of S.C.U.M. hit the ring and pick apart Lethal and Elgin. Steve Corino gets a mic and says it's time for S.C.U.M. to kill Ring of Honor. 

10 Man War
Team ROH vs. Team S.C.U.M.

Team S.C.U.M. – Jimmy Jacobs, Cliff Compton, Rhett Titus, Jimmy Rave & Rhino
Team ROH – BJ Whitmer, Mark Briscoe, Mike Mondo, Caprice Coleman, & Cedric Alexander

Not even going to try and call the early goings of this match. People are flying everywhere, and Steve Corino is literally yelling at Kevin Kelly on commentary. After a few minutes, Mark Briscoe comes off the top rope and takes out two members of SCUM. He goes to the top rope and hits "Flying Chicken" to the outside on another two members. There's a big sequence when everyone starts hitting their finishers and signatures on whoever happens to be in the ring – mass chaos. Briscoe sends Rhino into the corner with a mule kick. Jimmy Rave hits Briscoe with the Rave Clash. 

Steve Corino gets up from commentary and starts attacking Caleb Seltzer on commentary. He throws him into the barricade – Caleb is out cold. Corino gets in the ring and gives Rhett Titus a set of handcuffs, which he uses to strap BJ Whitmer to the bottom rope. Rhino throws powder intot he eyes of Mike Mondo, which takes care of him. Alexander comes out of nowhere with a piledriver-esk move on Jacobs, but Rhino hits him with the Gore for a 3-count. 

Results: S.C.U.M. wins via pinfall


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