Complete ROH “Supercard of Honor VII” iPPV Results

ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Jay Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen (c)

Steen controlls the first part of the match, working over the injured shoulder of the challenger. The battle out to the floor and Briscoe catches the champ with a big back body drop right onto the floor – Nigel is pretty happy about that on commentary. The fight back into the ring and Jay catches Steen with a big elbow to the head. Scoop slam connects, followed by a running knee strike. Briscoe tries for an Irish whip but the champ holds onto the ropes and it strains the injured shoulder. Steen takes advantage and sends him shoulder-first into a steel post. 

The attack doesn't stop there as Steen hoists Briscoe in a Pumphandle position, but drops him down with a shoulder-breaker. The champ locks in an armbar, and Jay barely makes it to the ropes in time. Random "feed me more" chant breaks out – no idea. Jimmy Jacobs hits the ring to cause some interference, but Mark Briscoe runs out of nowhere and attacks him. They fight to the back and the coast is clear for the time being. 

Jay lands a Death Valley Driver out of nowhere; two-count. The fight to the top rope and Steen tries for a superpex, but Jay blocks it and forces the champ to the apron. Steen trips him up and Briscoe falls to the mat, leaving him prone for a running cannonball into the corner, driving his head into the turnbuckle. The action spills to the outside as Mark tries for a Jay Driver off the apron, but Steen counters and delivers a huge powerbomb right ino the side of the ring.

Steen heads up to the top rope and tries for a Senton Bomb, but Briscoe gets his knees up! Two more members of S.C.U.M. run out to the ring and the feed cuts out. Seems to be a technical problem with Ring of Honor's stream – the final minutes of the iPPV have been cut off for everyone watching. 

Results: Jay Briscoe wins the World Heavyweight Championship

That's right – the World Title changes hands for the first time in almost a year, and none of their fans get to see it because their feed cuts out five minutes before the end. All we got to see was Kevin Kelly put it over as "one of the biggest moments in wrestling history" and it cut out again. That's what you get when you spend your money on iPPV.