4/8 WWE Monday Night Raw Results – Ziggler Cashes In, Barrett Wins Intercontinental Title, and the Best WWE Crowd in Years!

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

Sheamus talks trash and Orton backs him into the corner. They lock up and Sheamus gets the better of it with a shoulder tackle. Orton wins the second lock up, and drops Sheamus with a snapmare followed by a knee to the back of the head. Sheamus gets up and gets a wrist lock on the Viper as the crowd starts a "Mike Chioda" chant….Orton goes into a headlock, but Sheamus powers out with a big back suplex. 

Random "RVD" chant. They start a "JBL" chant and go crazy as they show him on the tron. He jokes that the crowd doesn't even need anybody in the match, because they're having a great time. And…now we get a "Michael Cole" chant. I have literally heard it all now… Orton dropkicks Sheamus off the top rope as we head to a commercial break.

When we come back, Orton is hammering away at Sheamus as the crowd is chanting "E-C-Dub" – I have no idea what's going on. They start trading rights and lefts as the crowd does the wave. Sheamus with a double axhandle, followed by a right shoulder into the corner. He brings Orton to the apron and tries for his ten clubbing blows; lands them. Sheamus goes for a powerbomb, but Orton counters into a backbreaker. "Randy Savage" chant. 

Orton with the Hangman's DDT, and he begins to coil for the RKO. Sheamus counters and hits White Noise!  Sheamus starts to feed off the energy, and motions for the Brogue Kick. Orton side steps it and the Big Show's music hits. The Giant makes his way down to the ring as Sheamus rolls to the outside of the ring. Show throws Orton off the ring post, and the ref calls for the bell. 

Results: No Contest

Big Show with the K.O. Punch on Randy Orton as the crowd legitimately chants "thank you Big Show". He drags the lifeless body of Orton out of the ring and throws him into the barricade. A huge spear breaks Orton in half, much to the enjoyment of the WWE Universe. Show picks up Orton and throws him head-first over the announce table and into the barricade. He starts throwing chairs into the ring as the commentary team scatters.