WWE Smackdown Results (4/12) – Big Show vs Sheamus & Orton, HHH Comments On Mania, Ziggler vs Jericho

Handicap Match
Randy Orton & Sheamus vs Big Show

Orton punches Show a few times and avoids a chop, then Show throws him in the corner but Orton punches him and kicks him in the head. Show comes back with a sideslam, then he steps on Orton's ribs before heading up top, but Orton rolls away from an elbow drop and makes the tag. Sheamus takes Show to the mat and punches him a few times, then he hits a few kneelifts before punching him in the corner. Sheamus runs at him but Show spears him, then he punches Orton in the ribs before sending Sheamus into the corner and going back after Orton. Show picks him up but Orton catches him offguard with a RKO, then Sheamus Brogue Kicks him out of the ring and Show ends up getting counted out. Renee Young catches up with Sheamus backstage and he says strength and size don't matter, but it's all about heart, then Mark Henry throws him into a table and asks if it matters.

Winners – Randy Orton & Sheamus

Kofi Kingston vs Antonio Cesaro

Cesaro ties up with Kofi before hitting a few forearm shots, then he taunts the crowd and elbows Kofi before whipping him into the ropes. Cesaro knocks him down for a two count before hitting a gutwrench slam, then Cesaro hits a rolling uppercut in the corner before applying a rear chinlock. Kofi tries to break it so Cesaro throws him in the corner, then Kofi comes back with some elbows and a dropkick, but Cesaro catches him with an elevated uppercut for two. Cesaro charges him but Kofi kicks him in the face, then Cesaro blocks a crossbody but Kofi counters a shoulder breaker with Trouble In Paradise for the win.

Winner – Kofi Kingston

Dolph Ziggler (w/ Big E Langston & AJ Lee) vs Chris Jericho

Fandango comes out with his dancing partner and watches at ringside as Jericho hiptosses Dolph, then he suplexes him but Dolph comes back with some corner strikes. Dolph splashes him and kicks him in the ribs, then Jericho kicks him in the face and hits a dropkick before choking him on the ropes. Jericho taunts Fandango before hitting the ropes, but Fandango jumps on the apron and distracts the ref while AJ pulls Jericho's foot and trips him. We get back from a break to see Dolph apply a headstand headlock, then Jericho reverses an Irish whip and hits some shoulder tackles. Jericho connects with a top rope axe handle smash, then he goes for a bulldog but Dolph counters with a swinging DDT.

Jericho takes out Langston before hitting a crossbody for two, then Dolph comes back with a dropkick but Jericho counters a Zig Zag attempt. Jericho connects with a Lionsault for two, then Fandango gets on the apron but Jericho hits a springboard dropkick and takes him out. Jericho goes for Walls of Jericho but Dolph fights to the ropes, then Fandango again distracts the ref and Langston knocks Jericho out from behind. Dolph rolls over and makes the cover, then Jericho tries to fight back after the bell but Dolph and Langston hit their finishers and taunt the crowd. Fandango gets in the ring and takes off his vest, then he dances around Jericho before repeatedly punching him and hitting a diving leg drop to end the show

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

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