WWE Smackdown Results (4/26) – Orton vs Henry, Undertaker Returns To Smackdown, Faces Ambrose In Main Event

Sheamus vs Big Show

Sheamus punches Show several times before kneeing him in the head, then Show drops him with a quick right hand and he follows it with several chops. Sheamus fights back with some strikes but Show shoves him out of the ring, then he brings him back in but Sheamus ties him in the ropes. He clubs Show's chest several times before Show headbutts him, then Show charges him in the corner but Sheamus kicks him in the head. Show comes back with a slam and elbow drop, then he chokes Sheamus on the middle rope and drops him with a headbutt. Show picks him back up and hits Final Cut for two, then Sheamus fires back with some right hands and he tries to bodyslam Show but can't lift him and Show falls on top of him. Show gets up and kicks him in the corner, then he heads outside and chokes him before chopping him and taunting the crowd as we head to a break.

We get back to see Show throw Sheamus shoulder first into the ringpost, then he heads outside and whips Sheamus into the ring steps. Show attacks Sheamus' left shoulder and keeps allowing him to get up, then he puts him in a submission but Sheamus fights back with a quick DDT. Sheamus punches Show in the head and hits a few shoulder tackles, then he hits a few kneelifts before heading up top and hitting a Battering Ram. Sheamus calls for White Noise but Show blocks it, then he goes for a chokeslam but Sheamus kicks him and hits White Noise. Sheamus sets up for a Brogue Kick but Show ducks and rolls outside, then Sheamus jumps on his back and they fight at ringside. Show punches him in the back and rolls back inside, then Sheamus snaps him across the ropes and heads up top. Mark Henry comes out and kicks the steps away, the Show uses the distraction to knock Sheamus out and makes the cover.

Winner – Big Show

William Regal vs Wade Barrett

Regal drops Wade with a running elbow strike, then he knees him in the corner but Wade stuns him with a quick kick to the midsection. Regal avoids the Bullhammer and hits a release throw suplex, then Regal goes for a running knee but Wade avoids it and hits the Bullhammer for the win. 

Winner – Wade Barrett


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