4/29 WWE Monday Night Raw Results – The Shield Beats John Cena, Ladder Match Confirmed & More

Ryback is shown leaving the arena backstage, as Matt Striker tries to catch up with him. 

Mark Henry's Tug-of-War Contest

Tensai is out first to try his luck. It's a stand off for a few moments, but eventually Mark Henry pulls him over the line to win. Brodus Clay then makes his way out. Henry pulls him over the line with ease, as Michael Cole talks about the "rules" of this contest. Sheamus then makes his way out and asks the World's Strongest Man if he can handle a third opponent. They line up, and Sheamus actually gets the big man to start moving. Henry comes back and drags Sheamus right up to the line, but the Celtic Warrior lets go of the rope and Henry falls on his back. He gets up and is pissed off, but Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick and lays him out. 

Backstage, Kane and Daniel Bryan say they want this match against The Shield tonight, no matter what. 

Alberto del Rio vs. Antonio Cesaro

The two lock up and exchange side headlocks, but del Rio heads a step-up enzuguiri in the corner, and continues to work over his opponents arm. Cesaro counters back and goes on the offensive, turning the tables and working over del Rio with a standing armbar. ADR fires back with a head-scissors takedown out of nowhere, and hangs Cesaro in the ropes before firing away with right hands to the back. Del Rio tries for the Cross Arm Breaker, but his opponent rolls to the outside as we head to commercial. 

Antonio Cesaro is in control after the break, with a headlock that's almost a Camel Clutch locked in. Del Rio fights back, gets out of the hold and takes down his opponent with a running shoulder block. He goes for a superkick to Cesaro, but he counters and rolls him up for a close near-fall. Del Rio heads up to the top rope, but comes down into a massive uppercut from Cesaro! 1…2…no. The former World Champ fights back and hits a quick superkick out of nowhere. He motions for the Cross Arm Breaker, but Cesaro rolls it into a pin. 1…2…Del Rio transitions back into the Cross Arm Breaker, and Cesaro taps out. 

Winner: Alberto del Rio