WWE Smackdown Results (5/10) – Ambrose vs Bryan, Mark Henry Shows His Strength, Ryback vs Jericho

WWE SmackdownWWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

May 10th 2013

Ryback comes out for the Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho, and Jericho says he usually stirs things up but he actually sees where Ryback is coming from. Jericho says Ryback has been screwed out of the WWE title and attacked by The Shield several times, but he wants to know what 'Ryback's Rules' really are. He says he thinks Ryback will do whatever it takes to get to the top, and he did the same thing by developing a chip on his shoulder. Jericho says he had enemies and he did what was needed, then Ryback asks if he is judging him and Jericho says it's the fans, not him.

The fans boo Ryback and Jericho compares his first championship win compared to Ryback's potential one, and Jericho says Ryback needs to be careful. Jericho says Ryback may beat an injured John Cena, and he could win the title but he will lose the respect of all of the fans. Ryback threatens to drop him right there and now, but Jericho says he doesn't think he'll do a damn thing. Teddy Long comes out and says it won't go down like that, and they can settle things in tonight's main event. Teddy says tonight they will face each other for the first time ever, then Ryback hits Jericho from behind and leaves him laying in the ring.

Kofi Kingston vs Cody Rhodes

Kofi applies a waistlock but Cody sweeps his legs, then he goes for a hiptoss but Kofi sends him into the ropes and brings him down with an armdrag. Kofi puts him in an armbar but Cody elbows him, then he whips him across the ring and knees him in stomach before hitting a front release suplex. Cody stomps Kofi near the ropes until the ref calls for a break, then he applies an armbar variation but Kofi flips him over and sends him down after a dropkick. Kofi goes for a sunset flip but Cody kicks out, then Cody kicks him in the head and whips him into the near corner. Kofi kicks him in the face and connects with a springboard crossbody, but Cody rolls through and goes for Cross Rhodes. Kofi counters so Cody sets up a Disaster Kick, but Kofi hits Trouble In Paradise while Cody is in midair and picks up the win.

Winner – Kofi Kingston