Impact Wrestling Results (5/23) – Storm Chooses A Partner, New Knockouts Champion, Does AJ Styles Join The Aces?

Joseph Park is talking to Sting about his title match against Devon, and he says getting strapped sounds bad, but Sting says it's wrestler lingo and it's a good thing. Sting says he hopes Abyss comes back next week, and he wants Joseph to set it up but Joseph says he can't help him because Abyss isn't talking to him. Joseph says he doesn't know what to do, then Sting says he has a tag match next week and if it's not Abyss it should be someone close. Sting picks Joseph as his partner, and he says he can help him get justice, then Joseph shakes his hand and excitedly leaves the office.

Knockouts Championship

Mickie James vs Velvet Sky

Velvet applies an armbar but Mickie reverses it, then she goes for a quick cover before applying a wristlock and sending Velvet into the ropes. Mickie goes to dropkick her but Velvet sweeps her legs, then she hits a seated dropkick for a pin attempt of her own. Both girls slug it out and hit each other with forearm shots, then Mickie puts her in a seated full nelson and knees her in the back as we go to a break. We get back to see Mickie apply a headlock variation, then Velvet breaks it so Mickie throws her back but Velvet meets her with a few elbows.

Velvet hits the ropes and throws a few more elbow shots, then she chops Mickie and whips her into the ropes but Mickie shoves her and sets up a neckbreaker. Velvet counters the neckbreaker with a side Russian legsweep for two, then she runs towards the corner but Mickie kicks her a few times until ODB calls for the break. Mickie runs at her but Velvet shoves her away, then she drops Mickie with a spinning headscissors takedown and injures her knee on the landing. Mickie gets up and chopblocks her knee, then she connects with a quick DDT for the win.

Winner and NEW Knockouts Champion – Mickie James