WWE Smackdown Results (5/31) – Jericho/Rhodes, Ryback Takes Out Kofi, Ambrose vs Orton

Sin Cara vs Curtis Axel (w/ Paul Heyman)

Axel punches Cara and drops him with a backbreaker, then he whips him into the ropes and dropkicks him before kneeing him in the back. Axel applies a grounded headlock but Cara makes it to his feet, so Axel knees him in the stomach but Cara comes right back with some kicks and a hurricanrana. Cara runs at him but Axel backdrops him on the apron, then Cara kicks him and hits a crossbody before going for a back handspring elbow. Axel punches him in the back of the head and knocks him down, then he picks him up and connects with the Perfect Plex for the win.

Winner – Curtis Axel

Alberto Del Rio (w/ Ricardo Rodriguez) vs Big E Langston (w/ AJ Lee)

Langston tackles Alberto in the corner and rams him with his shoulder, then Alberto hits him back and kicks him in the head and back. Langston comes back with a suplex on the ropes for two, then he applies a grounded waistlock but Alberto makes it to his feet so Langston transitions into a bearhug. He throws Alberto around before hitting a gutbuster, then he props him on the turnbuckles but Alberto comes back with a kick to the head. Alberto dropkicks him and tries to clothesline him, then he knocks Langston off his feet after a third and sets up a Backstabber. Langston counters and clotheslines him, then he goes for the Big Ending but Alberto counters with a Backstabber and sets up an enziguiri.

Langston ducks the kick but Alberto takes him down with a German suplex, then he superkicks Langston and makes the cover to get a two count. Alberto calls for the end and puts him in the Cross Armbreaker, then Langston rolls over and deadlifts Alberto before punching him in the stomach. Langston hits the ropes and knees him in the face for two, then he grabs Alberto on the apron but Alberto applies the Cross Armbreaker on the ropes. The ref calls for a break and checks on Langston, then AJ rakes Alberto's eyes before Langston throws him into the ringpost and rolls him in the ring and hits the Big Ending for the win.

Winner – Big E Langston


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