Impact Wrestling Results (6/6) – Devon Looks For Abyss, BFG Qualifiers Begin, Hardy Returns To Action

Devon and Knox are shown looking shown looking for Abyss, then Devon goes into a room when Abyss appears behind Knox and starts to choke him. Devon screams for Knox when he turns back around, then Abyss throws Knox into him and starts fighting with Devon in the shadows. Abyss takes a few punches from Devon before throwing him into a wall, then he says he is taking the TV title to the abyss before walking off.

Ladder Match (Hammer Is Legal Weapon)
Jeff Hardy vs Bully Ray

Hardy dives over the ropes on Bully as the bell rings, then he hits him a few times in the corner and splashes him before hitting a headscissors takedown. Hardy dropkicks Bully into the broadcast table and dives on him, then he gets up and slams Bully's head into the steps before getting the ladder. He slides it in the ring and sets it up, then he goes back after Bully but Bully sweeps his legs and throws him into the barricade as we cut to a break. We get back to see Bully elbow Hardy a few times, then Hardy kicks him and hits the ropes but Bully takes him down with a back body drop. Bully throws the ladder on Hardy and elbows him, then he screams at Hardy that he doesn't need the hammer before stomping him. Hardy fights back with some right hands but Bully kicks him in the face, then he goes for a full nelson but Hardy kicks him and teases a Twist of Fate before hitting a DDT. Both men get up and duke it out but Hardy drops Bully with a forearm shot and an atomic drop, then he dropkicks Bully and sets up the ladder.

Bully shoves him back and throws the ladder, but Hardy avoids it and throws Bully into the corner and almost crotches him on the ladder. Bully prevents the landing but Hardy kicks the ladder into his crotch, then he sets up the ladder and climbs it, only to have Bully tip it over. Hardy surprises him with a jawbreaker and a clothesline, then he goes for the hammer again but Bully throws him into the corner. Bully charges him but Hardy elbows him and hits Whisper In The Wind, then he goes back for the hammer but Bully sweeps the ladder from under him and Hardy lands on his back. Bully climbs the ladder and grabs the hammer, then he lines up to hit Hardy but Hardy kicks him and hits a Twist of Fate. Hardy swings but Bully ducks twice and runs backstage, then we see Bully screaming for his belt as Hulk Hogan goes to hit him with a hammer but Brooke Hogan runs in and screams. Hulk takes off his glasses and looks shocked, then Brooke tries to gather her composure as Bully runs off as the show ends.

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