WWE RAW Results (6/10) – Bryan vs Rollins, Ziggler Returns, Cena/Ryback Face To Face

WWE RAWWWE Monday Night RAW Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
June 10th 2013

Triple H vs Curtis Axel (w/ Paul Heyman)

HHH pummels Axel in the corner and suplexes him for a near fall, then he tries to apply a headlock but Vince McMahon cuts them off. Vince makes his way to ringside as HHH resumes his attack, and he whips Axel into the ropes but Axel knocks HHH out to the floor. Vince grabs a mic and yells at Justin Roberts, then Roberts announces Axel as the winner by disqualification. HHH wants to know what the hell is going on, but Vince just smiles and makes his way backstage while Heyman and Axel mock him. HHH makes Roberts restart the match (due to his power as COO), but Vince comes right back down and ends the match again right as HHH punches Axel in the face. Roberts says Axel is winner by forfeit, but HHH just starts the match over, and this time Roberts says the match is an iron man match. Vince tells Axel to leave, then Vince takes a mic and the timekeeper's bell and heads backstage while a visibly maddened HHH paces in the ring.

Winner (by disqualification/forfeit) – Curtis Axel

HHH and Stephanie are shown arguing backstage about what just happened, and Stephanie says her father was wrong but she doesn't want anything to happen to him. Stephanie begs HHH not to hurt Vince, and she says he isn't getting younger and he needs to think of their family. HHH says he won't do anything, but Stephanie needs to go talk to Vince herself, because it wouldn't end well if he went to talk with him right now. Stephanie says she will work this out and leaves, then HHH throws a towel at the floor and paces around backstage.

Kane vs Dean Ambrose

Kane punches Ambrose a few times and drops him with a big boot for two, then he hits him in the corner but Ambrose rakes his face and sends him into the ropes. Kane comes back with a backbreaker and a knee to the back, then he kicks Ambrose in the face and staggers him with an uppercut. Ambrose tries to shake it off but Kane whips him into the corner and hits a backbreaker, then the ref runs back down with the ring bell as Ambrose is thrown outside. Kane punches Ambrose near the barricade and tries to throw him near the steps, but Ambrose blocks it and shoves him backwards. Ambrose tries to jump off the steps but Kane avoids it with a mid air uppercut, and the ref starts to make a count as we go to a break. (Cont'd…)


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