WWE Payback Results (6/16) – Three Championships Change Hands, Punk Returns Home, Three Stages Of Hell

Jericho tries to steal it with a rollup but Punk kicks out, then Punk kicks him in the head but Jericho stuns him with a Codebreaker for two. Jericho hits Punk a few times and kicks him in the back, then he tells Punk to stay down before he punches him a few times and follows him around the ring. Punk starts to hit him back and kicks him a few times, then he connects with a leaping heel kick and a running clothesline in the corner. Punk knocks him on the mat before heading up top, then he connects with a flying elbow drop before calling for the finish. Punk lifts him and hits the Go To Sleep, but Jericho narrowly kicks out and Punk starts to feed off of the crowd chants and goes for another GTS.

Jericho counters and sets up a Codebreaker but Punk throws him back, then he clotheslines him to the floor and sends him into the barricade after a suicide dive. Punk rolls him in and tries to springboard back in, but Jericho catches him with a midair Codebreaker for a very close near fall. Jericho can't believe it and argues with the count, then he punches Punk in the back of the head and repeatedly elbows his chest. Jericho sets up for Walls of Jericho but Punk blocks it and gets a two count rollup, then they trade strikes and Punk goes for a hurricanrana. Jericho counters and puts him in the Walls of Jericho, then Punk punches him and breaks it before hitting the Go To Sleep two consecutive times for the win.

Winner – CM Punk

WWE Tag Team Championship
Randy Orton & Daniel Bryan vs The Shield (c)

Bryan kicks Reigns in the corner but Reigns comes back with some right hands, then he distracts the ref so Rollins can hit him before tagging out. Reigns whips Rollins into Bryan and clotheslines him, then Reigns tags back in and applies a headlock that Bryan tries to break. Reigns knocks him down on the mat and puts him back in a headlock, but Bryan makes it to his feet and elbows him, then he knocks him down with a clothesline. Bryan finally gets the tag and Orton connects with a hanging DDT, then he whips Rollins across the ring and runs into a kick to the head. Orton comes back with some strikes and another hanging DDT, then he calls for a RKO but Rollins rolls outside. Reigns drops Orton with a Superman punch, then Rollins rolls in and stomps Orton a few times before tagging out, and Reigns continues to stomp Orton. (Cont'd…)


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